Hey everybody! First of all, I want to
wish you Happy New Year and may it be your best year yet! :)
When old year´s ending we simply can´t
help it and we start to think about our life. Was that year good?
Were our relationships with people good? Did we have fun throughout
the year? Did we lose any weight? Did we make our dreams come true?
New years is our way of starting fresh. It´s about forgetting (or
learning from) old mistakes and trying again. I have couple of New
Year´s resolutions as well. Let me share them with you.
Eat less, exercise more and therefore
lose some weight. I know. That´s the obvious one. I bet there is
only tiny group of people who are satisfied with their bodies. If you
feel like you could/should lose ton or two, let´s do it together!
2014 will be year of sexy and healthy bodies! I know we can DO IT!
10th time is a charm (at least for me:))!
Write everyday, so I get my first novel
finished by the end of this year. Period!
Speaking of writing, I want to
improve my signature because the one I use right now is just
horrible!! Who knows, maybe I´ll become really famous someday and I
don´t want to be unprepared. Truth is, I don´t want to be known as
writer with worst signature ever.
Be more excited about little things in
my life. Learning how to appreciate small miracles is part of
enjoying life in general and being grateful.
Learn new things. Learn new language,
master at least one great party trick... Learn how to make an evil
laugh, because at this very moment, my evil laugh sounds like cute
giggle of little girl and that´s not scary at all!
Do ballet everyday! Ever since I saw
Black Swan I wanted to do ballet just for fun. But somehow I´ve
always managed to find excuse why I shouldn´t try it. But not now.
Not this year! I know that picture myself that I would look like this
but instead of that I will look like
but I don´t care. I´m having fun
doing ballet and that´s what matters, right? :)
How about you? Let me know what your
New Year´s resolutions are!

E. Michael Helms · 540 weeks ago
Michael (E. Michael Helms)