When you want to become actor, singer
or writer there is no guarantee that you´ll eventually become one.
That´s why it´s always good to keep so called back-up job. Back-up
job pays your rent, your bills and it´s keeping your dream alive.
Back up jobs are your safety net. Your back-up job can be pretty much
anything... For example you can be a waiter. But I really doubt that
somebody wants to be a waiter forever. So there is always slash
behind „waiter“. You can be waiter/singer... waiter/actor...
waiter/model... waiter/writer. But changing waiter to writer is a
really long journey. Journey that will cost you lots of money and
time. That´s why it´s always good idea to keep your current job so
you don´t have to worry about your income.
Why am I telling you all this? Because
I didn´t :) I quit my job and I have become full time blogger. Now I
am blogger/writer. It wasn´t easy but blogging has become my back-up
job. I don´t make lot of money but I´ m genuinely happy. As a
matter of fact I´m the happiest I´ve ever been in my entire life.
And that´s because I´m doing what I love. I love to write. Now I
have time to write every single day. Because it´s my job. I write
blogs and reviews during day and in my free time I´m working on my
very first novel :) And let me tell you, it´s the best feeling ever!
If you want to become a writer just so
you can make big bucks then don´t even bother. Everything you do in
life you have to do because you love it, because you have passion for
it. When you love something, people can see that and sooner or later
someone will appreciate your hard work. Then you will start to make
some money and when you make money out of something you absolutely
love to do, it´s simply priceless :)

Sonya · 586 weeks ago
Admin 12p · 586 weeks ago