Every writer has his/her own routine. I
don´t consider myself a writer just yet but I´m slowly getting
there. So, what´s my typical routine?
First of all, I wake up. (I bet you
didn´t see that one coming :)) Then I try to get coffee into my
system as soon as possible. Otherwise I wouldn´t be able to move,
speak or do anything. I don´t know how about you guys but I usually
am very quiet when I wake up in the morning. At least one hour. I do
it because I´m not morning person and also because I sound like a
lead singer of death metal band. It takes some time until my normal
speaking voice come back and I´m not that crabby. I try to avoid
morning small talks as much as I can manage. Everybody who knows me a
little, doesn´t even bother to ask me: „Good morning, Tina. Did
you sleep well?“. Because my friends know, I´ll probably just give
them one of my WTF looks. So when you meet me someday in the morning,
just don´t ask me anything. I´ll come around eventually and I´ll
start conversation myself.
After breakfast I turn on my laptop and
I just start to write. As simple as that. I write everyday. It can be
blog post (like this one), it can be review for my other website or
it can be one sentence, or one paragraph, one page, or one whole
chapter for my novel, I´m working on right now. I know, it´s quite
surprising...writing is huge part of writer´s routine! If you want
to be a writer, writing for you has to be something you simply can´t
live without. For me writing is way more entertaining than getting
drunk on parties for example. Of course I have my days when I´m not
capable of writing one sentence that would make sense. On day like
that I just read, watch movies, or youtube videos with adorable
What do I do, when I don´t write? Usually
I sleep, eat or I´m just hanging out with my family or friends. How
about you? What is your daily routine? :)