you´re writing a story, you want to have main characters that are
appealing in some way. The main characters are often very
interesting, courageous, pretty, smart and I could keep going on like
this forever.
good to write about things you know the best... It is somehow easier.
So it shouldn´t come as a surprise to you that authors often project
themselves into main characters. They have the same opinions, same
sense of humor, same values and oftentimes they even look a lot like
their creator.
But... When
I write I simply can´t use myself as an image for perfect and
flawless main female character. Why?
starters, I am not graceful and nonchalant. As a matter of fact, I´m
the exact opposite. When I walk down the street I stumble and fall. A
lot. If there is one single bump on a completely smooth road you can
be damn sure that I´m going to find it and stumble because of it.
not good with make up either. When I put on red lipstick and I flash
a big smile at someone I like, there is a 98 % chance that I have red
lipstick also on my teeth. Charming...
main characters are witty and always know what to say and when to say
it. I don´t. What I do, is often just keep silent with an awkward
not elegant either. When I get all dressed up it has become some sort
of a rule that I have to spill something all over my clothes.
there you have it. I´m awkward, clumsy and no elegant at all. If I´m
not writing about the weird girl with extreme talent for finding
herself in awkward situations, I simply have to use my imagination.
about you? Do you project yourself into the characters in your stories?
Let me know in a comment!